Golf New Brunswick
Golf New Brunswick
Golf Prince Edward Island
Golf Prince Edward Island
Golf Nova Scotia
Golf Nova Scotia
Golf Newfoundland Labrador
Golf Newfoundland Labrador

Atlantic Canada Golf Welcomes You

Four distinct provinces create the incomparable Coastal Golf Destination that is Atlantic Canada. Rich in history. Alive with culture. Infused with distinctive cuisine. Traversed by natural beauty. Refreshed by sea breeze. All of these wonders and sensations have been here for thousands of years, embraced by those who sought them.

Complimented by some of the finest golf properties in the World, 302 courses in total, it’s yours to enjoy, to go vigorously in search of people, places, adventures and experiences you’ll never forget. An undiscovered golf destination where quality and value still go hand in hand.

We invite you to explore Atlantic Canada Golf through our websites, then come visit us in person. Once you Feel the Atlantic and Treasure the Value, we're guessing you'll never wish to leave.

Call us today 1-877-894-3982